Order form
You can also support us with a donation! Send your donation to one of our TIA accounts.
Venmo: @invisiblearchive
Paypal: @miknatalie
Bank Transfer: 예금주: 연홍순 / 농협: 302-1301-5716-11
Any amount will help us to keep our publication self-organized, self-funded, and independent! Our editors/peer reviewers work pro bono. The proceeds of the print sales and donations go towards writers’ fees and print costs. We aim to continuously develop a structure that draws from our communities to reach beyond the limitations of institutionally funded organizations.
We offer free PDF editions for sold-out prints on our website. To keep our project sustainable, we print in limited editions. The production budget and print number of each new issue depend on the sales of the previous issue.
Contact us for further inquiries and subscriptions at invisiblearchive[at]gmail.com
1) How can I order the journal online?
You can order the journal on our Order page! Just fill out the order form to receive an order summary email from us with payment instructions. Payment is made through Paypal, Venmo or Bank Transfer. Your order is confirmed and mailed once the payment is made. We usually ship via standard within three business days after receipt of payment, however, we ask for your understanding if we need to work sometimes on crip time.
2) Which issues are available to purchase and why do you only print in small numbers?
Our homepage (Issues page) shows which issues are still available in print form and which issues are sold out. Our limited print copies are individually stamped and include a handwritten edition label. We usually print between 50-150 copies per issue to keep the production scale and printing costs low. A small print number also allows us to focus on the quality of each booklet. We would love for you to collect our issues using our folder mechanism and create your own TIA archive.
3) How are the proceeds from the sale of the journals used?
All proceeds made from the journal go towards the writer’s fee and printing costs! Editors and peer reviewers of The Invisible Archive work pro bono. Our goal is to stay self-funded and to develop a structure that builds and draws directly from our community to reach beyond the limitations of institutionally funded art organizations. Purchasing and reading our journal keeps our project going!
4) How can I contribute to The Invisible Archive journal project?
There are many ways to contribute to TIA. Reading, promoting the journal, and sharing your feedback with us are all valuable contributions, as they allow us to stay in communication with our readers. Purchasing our prints is a great way of contributing as all proceeds made from the journal go towards the writer’s fee and printing costs. TIA also receives donations and is grateful for any amount. Any type of contribution allows us to continue the work of documenting the invisible labor, politics, and challenges attached to artistic practices that are vulnerable due to their ephemeral nature, institutional neglect, cultural bias, or politically unpopular content.
5) Do you accept proposals?
We accept proposals from authors who are interested in writing a future issue for TIA. If you’re interested, please email us at invisiblearchive [at] gmail.com to receive details on what to include in the proposal.